Mothers Day Bouquet Video Celebrate Mother’s Day with a tool-quet – specially designed for hard-working moms. Share a picture or memory of the mom in your life. To celebrate, we’re randomly giving away some tool-quet chrome. #SnappyMothersDay Posted by Snap-on Tools on Sunday, May 14, 2017
Tranquility Gardens are good for the soul! Assorted Assorted varieties of succulents, layers of sand, soil and decorative stone, bamboo, and wire artistry. Give as a gift, use as a centerpiece, display in the office, or enjoy in your home. My designs start at $40.
Creating the flower arrangement for Snap-on Tools for Mother’s Day, in the studio of Plum Media, was so much fun!! #KristysKreative #SnaponTools #PlumMedia
For that special someone…your mom, your grandma, your sister, your daughter, your granddaughter or even your friend who is a great mom! ❤ Place your order by Sunday May 7